Case – Caterer Served THC-Laced Brownies at Dinner Party

December 12, 2024 | By Lewis Law
Case – Caterer Served THC-Laced Brownies at Dinner Party

Lewis Law is shedding light on a growing concern in personal injury law—cannabis poisonings—by representing a pivotal lawsuit. THC-laced brownies were served to a dozen plaintiffs (including one child) at a dinner party catered by Easy B’s Market and Café. Allegedly, the caterer inadvertently mixed up the THC-laced brownies made for their cannabis customers with the catered event's dessert brownie bites.

When plaintiffs at the dinner party began experiencing severe symptoms, the Gainesville police came to investigate a possible case of food poisoning. Officers confirmed that the chocolate brownie bites were the source of concern.

Lewis Law finds this negligence reprehensible and intends to hold the liable parties accountable. The evidence is solid. Medical testing shows the victims had severe THC poisoning, and lab reports confirm the brownie bites served by Easy B's Market were THC-laced.

Nine of the dozen victims suffered symptoms so severe it warranted them going to the hospital. This harmful negligence caused mass hysteria and heightened heart rate and blood pressure in many. One plaintiff was frightened of death, going in and out of consciousness. She was quoted saying, "Tell my children goodbye."

Another plaintiff couldn't get her words out or speak. Paramedics believed she was having a stroke. A third plaintiff was so traumatized by the experience that she is actively seeing a therapist.

It's easy for some, particularly cannabis connoisseurs, to laugh at the idea of someone being poisoned by THC. However, THC poisonings are not a laughing matter. They can have some severe side effects that can be downright terrifying for an unsuspecting victim—and it’s a violation of consent.

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Signs of THC Poisoning

THC poisonings are a greater risk with cannabis-infused edibles, food, and drink products. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports it can take between 30 minutes and two hours for the intoxicating effects to hit. Unfortunately, that makes it easier for people to eat too many, leading to poisoning and serious injury.

People who do not know they are consuming edibles are at high risk for severe or traumatic effects. Some frightening signs of THC poisoning include:

  • Rapid heart rate and increased blood pressure
  • Panic and paranoia
  • Heightened anxiety and fear
  • Extreme confusion and disorientation
  • Severe nausea or vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing (common with children THC-poisonings)
  • Trouble standing upright
  • Delusions and hallucinations

Many plaintiffs in our lawsuit felt one or more of these symptoms. In some cases of THC poisoning, these effects can lead to unintentional injury or even wrongful death. Serving THC-laced brownies or other edibles to people who did not consent to consuming the drug is inexcusable.

What to Do if You Were Unknowingly Served THC-Laced Brownies 

Being unknowingly THC-poisoned can be a frightening experience that requires a few steps to report and prove the offense. These steps are to seek medical attention, document the event, and consult with a personal injury lawyer.

Seek Medical Attention

Seeking medical attention is critical for obtaining a medical evaluation and testing that can confirm the THC poisoning. The effects of THC poisoning can last for several hours. A medical professional will help calm your symptoms or provide the peace of mind you need to know you're not dying but still have a legitimate claim. Medical evaluations are the first step in accurately documenting your cannabis poisoning for legal purposes.

Document Your THC Poisoning

Proper documentation of your THC poisoning involves accurate dates and details. Write a statement about your emergency room or urgent care facility trip. Note any pertinent information from your doctor, such as confirmation of THC poisoning through blood tests. Also, jot down all the symptoms you experienced, including your emotional or psychological state.

Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer

Did your THC poisoning lead to injury and damages, such as ambulance and emergency room costs, income losses from missing work, and any pain and suffering? Consult a local personal injury attorney with experience handling accidental (or intentional) poisonings. They are knowledgeable about these cases and can inform and advise you on your case. The sooner you reach out to an attorney, the better.

Related article: When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

How Lewis Law Will Help 

Lewis Law fights to defend the rights of THC poisoning victims by ensuring fair compensation for their economic and non-economic damages. We do that by comprehensively investigating your poisoning, gathering evidence, calculating damages, and negotiating a fair settlement on your behalf.

Investigate Your Poisoning

The first step in investigating your THC poisoning is determining whether it was intentional or negligent, as there may be different processes for handling those offenses. Most cannabis poisonings are accidental.

Lewis Law will identify witnesses and gather statements. Witnesses may include treating paramedics on the scene and emergency room staff. Lewis Law will identify all relevant witnesses from the scene to gather the insight and evidence they need to establish damages and liability.

Gather Evidence

A significant part of Lewis Law's investigation is gathering and preserving all evidence, which is vital for proving negligence and securing damages in your claim. Examples of evidence relevant to THC poisonings are as follows:

  • The police report documenting the incident
  • Eyewitness statements to your physical and emotional statement
  • Your testimony of the THC poisoning
  • Medical testing and physician notes confirming THC poisoning levels
  • Photos or video evidence of injuries sustained
  • A preserved piece of the THC-laced brownies or other edible, food, or drink
  • Lab reports confirming the brownies or other food where THC-laced
  • Lost income statements confirming missed work
  • Pay stubs

We have a network of specialists we consult to establish liability, prove negligence or intent, and maximize damages. Depending on the nature of your claim and the extent of your injuries and damages, we may consult medical experts, economists, and law enforcement.

Calculate Your Damages

Calculating your damages involves tallying your economic losses and determining your intangible or non-economic damages. Standard damages involved in THC poisoning lawsuits include:

  • Ambulance transport and EMT services
  • Emergency room costs 
  • Hospital stays
  • Mental health care
  • Income losses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Psychological trauma

Lewis Law will secure any other damages the jury awards in our THC poisoning lawsuit. Because we are taking the case before a jury, there is a slight chance of receiving punitive damages if they find the offense egregious enough to want them. However, we don't anticipate their addition.

Related article: How to Choose the Right Personal Injury Lawyer for You

Consult With Lewis Law

Consult with Lewis Law if you have an accidental poisoning or other personal injury case. We offer free case evaluations and are dedicated to making our community safer.

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